Healthy Choice FM, the Dedicated Health and Wellness Radio, is owned by Dr. Lester & Norma Simon.
Healthy Choice FM 94.9: All the health and wellness tips you need, embedded in a core of jazz with sprinklings and splashes of other musical genres.

Your ears will never be thirsty again, and your mind, body and soul will be wholly satiated.
Ran into this radio frequency and apart from a switch to news, the dial is on this frequency to provide background music, advice on wellness issues and encouragement from "the old soul, Sabriya Simon. Oh and I do enjoy the bits of humour from Miss Lou and Paul Keans Douglas!
Thank you to the Simon family for this calming, peaceful presence in my home.
Blessings to all
Doc, you should post yourself playing a few musicals that you love. that would be nice.
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